Mission work

Mission Work and 1980’s Movies

What does mission work have to do with movies? Bruce Willis… Essentially, he is the reason I got into police work when I graduated from college. Well, specifically, it was because of the movie Die Hard. I remember watching detective John Mclain fight terrorists in Nakatomi Tower on Christmas Eve. That was it. I thought, “I want to do that.” This may shock you, but actual police work is not really very similar to Die Hard. I never got to fight terrorists at Nakatomi Tower. It turns out Nakatomi tower is not in Dallas… and fictional. Real-life was much less exciting. Do not get me wrong, there were definitely exciting days and terrifying moments. But 99 percent of my police experience involved a great deal of sitting, waiting, paperwork and all the other boring stuff they do not show on television. You are probably asking yourself what Bruce Willis has to do with missions… or sharing my faith… or anything even remotely to do with International Project.  That is a good question. That is valid.

The excitement of mission work

See, I can still remember studying for mission work sitting in the Perspectives class. I can remember feeling like, “This is it.” This is what God has been leading me towards: ministry, missions, faraway lands, exciting new cultures, miracles, movement. God works in the hearts of the unreached overseas and I wanted to be a part of it. This is the exciting part. And that is good. The sentiment is right. The passion is valid. It is okay to envision yourself proclaiming the name of Christ in the town square of remote and far-flung places. It is especially valid when God is leading, calling and sending. But just like the façade of Bruce Willis fading away to the reality of a radio car and shagging calls on deep nights (that is fancy police talk for working patrol during the late-night shift)… real-life settles in once you are in the field. The wonder and excitement of exploring and navigating a new cultural landscape will fade. Life will get hard again. And that is a good a thing. That hardship is good and here is why: the gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news that mankind ever received.  This vile and sinful brood of vipers known as man has been completely and totally forgiven and redeemed from our wickedness. We did not have to earn it. It was completely free. But there is a catch.

Relying on Christ

Christ is not a crutch to be used only when we stumble, but sometimes we tend to treat him as if he is. Sometimes, we are not reliant on him. But we need to realize that he is the only thing propping us up all the time. It does not work any other way. We must completely surrender to his will. We must seek complete obedience to him. In Christ alone, my hope is found. So here I find myself relating ministry and mission work (but really whatever your calling is in Christ) to Nakatomi Tower. Nakatomi Tower was my mirage in the desert of police work. And when we pursue Christ, the enemy will you use many mirages. The enemy wants you to find hope in a mirage. Do not do that. I hope you are reading this and earnestly seeking God’s will for your life. I hope you are on your knees every day asking what God’s plan is for your life. But do not get sidetracked by the mirages or the Nakatomi Towers. Seek Christ first. He is enough. And He will carry you when the façade won’t. If you are interested in mission work, please feel free to contact us, and let us answer your questions.

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