International Project (IP) solicits and accepts donations that are consistent with and support its values and mission. Gifts for purposes outside of IP’s mission, are too restrictive in nature, or that would be too difficult or expensive to administer in relation to their value, will be respectfully declined.

Gifts may be made to IP in the following forms:

  • Cash (including by check, money order, credit card, or on-line).
  • Marketable securities.  IP’s normal practice is to sell marketable securities promptly upon receipt.
  • Bequests. Donors are encouraged to make bequests to IP under their wills.
  • Beneficiary designations under trusts, life insurance policies, commercial annuities and retirement plans.
  • Real or personal property, provided that the property is useful for the organization’s purposes or is readily marketable, and that it is free of limitations and excessive maintenance expenses.

IP applies a 10% overhead assessment on restricted gifts to cover a portion of the costs involved in soliciting and administering these donations. The organization analyzes its costs annually to ensure that this overhead rate does not exceed its actual costs.