God is sovereignly bringing immigrants, refugees, and international students from unreached people groups to the “Eternal City” — Rome, Italy. Our service trip is an opportunity to impact a great number of different people groups in one of the world’s most beautiful, historic, and evangelistically strategic cities!

International Project’s Rome Service Trip is one of the most unique, challenging, and exciting short- term opportunities available. Our 2-3 week evangelism and church-planting experience allows college students to live among and serve unreached communities and refugees in Rome. We are looking for 10-12 individuals to join us for an exercise in training, adventure, and growth!

Are you ready for a challenge?

We are looking for 10-12 individuals ready to accept the challenge! Here’s what to expect from our Rome Service Trip:

Spiritual Formation

  • Prayer and fasting
  • Bible study
  • Supplemental reading
  • Participation in the regular spiritual rhythms of the long-term Rome team
  • Learning the history of the primitive church

Bold Evangelism

  • Training in evangelism skills and methodologies
  • Up to four hours of daily spiritual engagement with strangers to find “Persons of Peace” for evangelism, baptism, and church-planting


  • Serving others and helping International Project’s long-term team
  • Volunteering at a migrant center and/or other community engagement events
  • Assisting the long-term team in Rome through various service activities

What kind of people thrive on our Rome Service Trip? We are looking for interns with:

  • Passion to know Christ more deeply – Willingness to focus on Christ through engaging in spiritual disciplines 
  • A teachable spirit –Willingness to implement trainings or methods that may be new, seem strange, or push someone outside their comfort zone
  • A servant’s heart – Willingness to maintain a positive and joyful spirit in all acts of service
  • Humility –Willingness to be sweetly broken by the recognition of sin, to experience the great joy of God’s grace given through the cross of Christ, and to serve alongside the International Project’s missionaries and interns with humility
  • Perseverance – Willingness to endure difficult situations without giving up 



Cost: Varies by year

Deposit Due: To Be Announced 

Trip Dates: To Be Announced